UNEWS, Top stories for U.S. Latinos in English

Tuesday, November 3rd, 2020

Episode Summary

President Trump and former VP Joe Biden charged across several battle ground states in a final push to get out the vote; nearly 100 million early votes have already been cast and election officials are bracing for a drawn out counting process; coronavirus cases rising in 47 states as the White House Coronavirus Task Force coordinator urged officials to take more aggressive containment measures; and officials in Mexico are investigating allegations of unwanted hysterectomies conducted on immigrant women held in US detention centers. 

Episode Notes

President Trump and former VP Joe Biden charged across several battle ground states in a final push to get out the vote; nearly 100 million early votes have already been cast and election officials are bracing for a drawn out counting process; coronavirus cases rising in 47 states as the White House Coronavirus Task Force coordinator urged officials to take more aggressive containment measures; and officials in Mexico are investigating allegations of unwanted hysterectomies conducted on immigrant women held in US detention centers.