UNEWS, Top stories for U.S. Latinos in English

Thursday, September 24th, 2020

Episode Summary

President Trump says he will not commit to a peaceful transfer of power after the November election, top Republicans are pushing back; protests erupting in several cities after a grand jury fails to indict officers on Breonna Taylor’s death; coronavirus cases are rising in 22 states while Johnson and Johnson’s enters phase 3 vaccine trials; and Olympic boxing medalist Marlen Esparza on the power of the female vote.

Episode Notes

President Trump says he will not commit to a peaceful transfer of power after the November election, top Republicans are pushing back; protests erupting in several cities after a grand jury fails to indict officers on Breonna Taylor’s death; coronavirus cases are rising in 22 states while Johnson and Johnson’s enters phase 3 vaccine trials; and Olympic boxing medalist Marlen Esparza on the power of the female vote.