UNEWS, Top stories for U.S. Latinos in English

Thursday, October 1st, 2020

Episode Summary

President Trump refuses to condemn White supremacists after Tuesday’s debate debacle and to say whether he would accept election results; coronavirus cases rising in over two dozen states including Wisconsin where the president is scheduled to hold to outdoor rallies; House Democrats and the White House continue negotiations on a coronavirus stimulus bill as unemployment remains stubbornly high with over 800,000 Americans filing for unemployment last week.

Episode Notes

President Trump refuses to condemn White supremacists after Tuesday’s debate debacle and to say whether he would accept election results; coronavirus cases rising in over two dozen states including Wisconsin where the president is scheduled to hold to outdoor rallies; House Democrats and the White House continue negotiations on a coronavirus stimulus bill as unemployment remains stubbornly high with over 800,000 Americans filing for unemployment last week.