UNEWS, Top stories for U.S. Latinos in English

Thursday, July16, 2020

Episode Summary

 As the Coronavirus crisis escalates in the U.S., states across the country say they’re running out of hospital beds, including Miami-Dade county, the current epicenter, who says very soon, no ICU beds will be left; A growing rift at the White House between the Trump administration and the nation’s top infectious disease expert threatens to harm progress in battling the pandemic; A conservative radio talk show host is fired after she recorded herself yelling at landscapers for speaking Spanish.

Episode Notes

As the Coronavirus crisis escalates in the U.S., states across the country say they’re running out of hospital beds, including Miami-Dade county, the current epicenter, who says very soon, no ICU beds will be left; A growing rift at the White House between the Trump administration and the nation’s top infectious disease expert threatens to harm progress in battling the pandemic; A conservative radio talk show host is fired after she recorded herself yelling at landscapers for speaking Spanish.