UNEWS, Top stories for U.S. Latinos in English

Monday, July 27th, 2020

Episode Summary

The US records more than 1,000 deaths due to Covid-19 for the fifth consecutive day as the toll reaches 147,000; protests escalate in several major cities, one demonstrator shot to death in Austin during a contentious weekend on the streets; Congressman John Lewis, the civil rights icon known as the "conscience of the Congress" lies in state in the Capitol Rotunda today.

Episode Notes

The US records more than 1,000 deaths due to Covid-19 for the fifth consecutive day as the toll reaches 147,000; protests escalate in several major cities, one demonstrator shot to death in Austin during a contentious weekend on the streets; Congressman John Lewis, the civil rights icon known as the "conscience of the Congress" lies in state in the Capitol Rotunda today.